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Dispute Transactions

How do I dispute a charge on my debit or credit card?

A transaction dispute occurs when you, or an additional cardholder, questions a transaction charged to your debit or credit card account.

Types of transaction disputes can include:

  • where you, or an additional cardholder, did not receive goods or services,
  • where you have been billed more than once for a single authorised transaction,
  • where you have cancelled a membership or subscription and have been billed after it has been cancelled, or
  • other types of transaction disputes contained in the Dispute Forms.

We aim to make the experience as easy for you as possible if you find yourself needing to dispute a transaction, by providing you with detailed information on the steps involved. Mastercard® and Visa have set rules and timelines for the dispute process, which can sometimes take up to 180 days to resolve.

We have also included some handy tips that may assist in avoiding future disputes.

Transaction dispute guidelines

  • If your dispute is not about a suspected fraudulent transaction, we strongly suggest you attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant or service provider.
  • Mastercard and Visa have a formal dispute process with set timeframes that we must follow. To allow us to help you resolve your dispute you must contact us immediately on 13 24 84 or provide us with a completed Dispute Form when you identify a suspicious transaction - ideally this should be within 60 days of the transaction date.
  • In order for us to act on your behalf, we need you to provide us with all the available information and supporting documentation along with the Dispute Form signed by the account owner.
  • Once we receive your Dispute Form and supporting documentation, we will liaise directly with the merchant's bank.
  • The merchant's bank will respond with a reversal of the charge or a request for more information. We will contact you by mail if further information is required - please ensure that you respond within the timeframes as advised on the correspondence to ensure that we can continue your transaction dispute.
  • Dispute cases can take up to a maximum of 180 days depending on the nature of the dispute, and it is important for you to stay in contact with us and assist with the investigation until a resolution is achieved.


Completed Dispute Forms signed by the account owner can be uploaded online or returned in the post:

Dispute Form Document Upload Feature (Preferred) Post

Credit Card Disputes Transaction Services
Sydney NSW 2001


Please Note:

Unauthorised transactions are charges that a cardholder claims to have never authorised. We must block your card before pursuing the dispute with the merchant's bank.


Dispute Information

The below information serves as a guide for disputed transactions

Cardholder Cancellation FAQs

Merchant Cancellation FAQs

Other General Questions