Banking Code of Practice
The Banking Code of Practice (the Code) is an industry code that’s published by the Australian Banking Association (ABA). The Code sets out the banking industry’s key commitments to individual and small business customers and their respective guarantors, and serves as the benchmark for governance across the banking industry.
The original Code (known as the ‘Code of Banking Practice’) was first published in 1993, with revisions made in 2004 and 2013. In 2019 the ABA, in conjunction with its member banks, completely re-wrote the Code to better meet community expectations. The Code has since been updated further, primarily to implement recommendations made by the Financial Services Royal Commission, with a new version coming into effect in March 2020, and additional variations coming into effect in March 2021.
This new version of the Code is the strongest ever. It's clearer, easier to understand, and has greater protections for individual and small business customers and their guarantors.
NAB, who is the issuer of Citi branded credit and financial products, has been a long-standing member of the ABA and has adopted the 2020 version of the Code.
Areas that the Banking Code of Practice covers
The Code consists of 10 parts and covers the following topics:
How the Code works
Your banking relationship
Opening an account and using our banking services
Inclusive and accessible banking
When you apply for a loan
Lending to small business
Guaranteeing a loan
Managing your account
When things go wrong
Resolving your complaint
Further information
View or download a copy of the Banking Code of Practice on the ABA website. It's also available at any NAB branch or outlet (except Australia Post).
If you would like to report an alleged breach of the Code you can contact the Banking Code Compliance Committee directly.
As part of our commitment to the Code, we have a Customer Advocate to strive for fair customer outcomes that are aligned with community expectations.