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Elder financial abuse

Financial abuse

Learn how to protect yourself and what support options are available to you

Financial abuse occurs when a person uses money to gain control over their partner, family members, or even over strangers. It occurs in many different forms, often alongside other types of abuse, and can affect anyone. 

Forms of financial abuse 

  • - Someone restricts your access to money or dictates your spending 
  • - You are given an allowance to spend each week and are required to provide receipts to verify the money you have spent 
  • - Someone forces you to give them access to your bank accounts 
  • - Important financial information is kept hidden from you 
  • - Someone sells or threatens to sell your belongings against your wishes 
  • - Someone forces you to apply for a credit card or loan and takes out a credit card or loan in your name
  • - Someone buys something on your credit card without your consent 
  • - Someone forges your signature on financial documents 
  • - Someone insists that loans or bills are in your name 
  • - Someone prevents you from working or earning your own money
  • - Someone forced you to undertake additional paid or unpaid duties

What you can do to protect yourself against financial abuse

Talk to us about your situation. We may be able to assist in: 

  • - Securing your accounts and helping you change passwords, login details, and PIN information
  • - Opening an account in your name only
  • - Updating the signing authority for your account 
  • - Reducing the credit limit on your account and/or daily withdrawal limits on your account
  • - Providing you with financial assistance and guidance 


Other actions you can take: 

  • - Talk to a trusted loved one about your situation and ensure you remain socially connected to friends and family members 
  • - Refrain from signing documents you haven't read or don't understand 
  • - Try ensure that you are the only person opening the mail addressed to you. In Australia, if you are a victim of domestic violence you may be eligible for free mail redirection
  • - If you think someone may be monitoring your online activities, consider using a different computer or device
  • - Change your online usernames and passwords and put passcodes on all your devices
  • - If possible, regularly check your bank and credit card statements for unauthorised or unexplained transactions 
  • - Download the Sunny or Daisy apps for further advice about safety planning and services or

How we can support you

If you find yourself in a vulnerable position and want to understand the support options available, contact our Customer Service Team on 13 24 84. The sooner you reach out, the sooner we can provide you with support and assistance.


Financial hardship assistance

If you are experiencing financial difficulty you may want to consider applying for financial hardship assistance. Visit our Financial Hardship page for further information regarding the application process.


Support services