Financial Hardship
We understand that life doesn’t always go to plan and sometimes you may experience financial difficulties caused by unemployment, injury, illness, a natural disaster, or other unexpected impacts on your income and expenses.
We are here to support you during these tough times.
Financial Hardship
We understand that life doesn’t always go to plan and sometimes you may experience financial difficulties caused by unemployment, injury, illness, a natural disaster, or other unexpected impacts on your income and expenses.
We are here to support you during these tough times.
What is Financial Hardship?
Financial Hardship can occur when your circumstances unexpectedly change, making it difficult for you to continue making your repayments. Examples of these changes include things like unemployment or reduction in income, a medical condition, natural disaster, family separation or violence. We are here to support you during these times.

What type of assistance is available?
We recognise that each person and situation is unique. The type of assistance that we provide will therefore depend upon your individual circumstances.
Some of the types of assistance we may be able to provide you through our Financial Hardship program include:
- reducing or deferring payments for a period of time
- reducing your interest rate
- restructuring your debt
- waiving certain fees
We will contact you with available solutions for your individual situation within 21 days of receiving your application for Financial Hardship.
Easy English Hardship information
Our Hardship information is available as an Easy English PDF version.
How to access Financial Hardship assistance
If your financial circumstances have changed and you are unable to pay your account(s), you can request assistance by completing our online Hardship Application Form..
If you are unable to access the form online , you can download the Hardship Application Form and complete it offline, then upload the form here, or mail it to us via the below to apply:
For Credit Cards, Ready Credit and Personal Loans email us or send to PO Box 3453, Sydney, NSW, 2000.
What you need to complete the online Hardship Application Form:
- Ensure you have access to the mobile number you registered with us. A code will be sent to authenticate your identity before you can proceed with the application.
- Please have information about your income, expenses and assets on hand. It's best if you can complete this application form in one sitting, as you are unable to save your details and return later to complete it.
Once you have submitted your Hardship Application Form, one of our representatives will contact you to discuss your situation and the solutions that may be available to assist you.
Important Information
- If you hold a NAB branded product and require financial hardship assistance on that product, please contact NAB Customer Care on 1800 701 599 (8:00am-8:00pm Monday-Friday and 9:00am-1:00pm Saturday AEST).
- If you hold a credit card or personal loan which was formerly issued by Citigroup Pty Ltd (and which is now issued by NAB) which is branded Citi, Card Services, Coles Financials Services, Suncorp Clear Options, Qantas Money, Kogan Money, Virgin Money, Bank of Queensland or; Spot. Buy Now Pay Later issued by Diners Club Pty Ltd (now part of NAB), this hardship application will also be applied to any or all of those accounts as well. If you do not require hardship assistance on all of your accounts, please do not submit an online form and contact our hardship team on 1800 722 879.
- If you have been paying for insurance on your Credit Card, Ready Credit or Personal Loan account(s) you may be eligible to make a claim with the insurer. Your account statement will indicate the name of the insurer you need to contact. An insurance policy wouldn't preclude you from applying for financial hardship assistance if you still require it. Insurance information can be accessed at https://www1.citibank.com.au/insurance.
- Your Card / Account may be suspended from the time we receive your application for hardship assistance, and if approved, during the entire period you are on financial hardship. Ability to transact post your Financial Hardship assistance will be based on your Card or Account status.
Important Information when applying for Financial Hardship Assistance
How long will Citi take to make a decision about my Financial Hardship application?
What type of assistance is available?
How long is the assistance period?
Do I need to provide supporting documents when I submit my Financial Hardship application?
Can someone else request assistance on my behalf?
My circumstances have changed since making a financial assistance request. What should I do?
What does Citi consider when making a decision on an application for Financial Hardship assistance?
Will you inform me about the outcome of my application?
What if I am not happy with the outcome of the assessment?
What will happen to my existing insurance on my Citi products?
Whilst I receive financial assistance, how will my repayment history be reported to the credit bureaus?
What if I have a joint account and I am experiencing Financial Hardship?
Can I seek an extension on my existing hardship program?
I need accessibility support
Support services
Organisations available to help you through difficult times

National Debt Helpline
Financial counselling is a free, confidential service to assist people in financial difficulty. National Debt Helpline have qualified professionals who can provide you with information, support and advocacy.

Lifeline provides Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. Call Lifeline at any time on 13 11 14.

RUOK is a not-for-profit organisation helping inspire everyone to have regular, meaningful conversations to help anyone who might be struggling with life’s ups and downs.

If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence, reach out to 1800RESPECT or call 1800 737 732.

Cancer Council
If you or someone you love is dealing with a cancer diagnosis, Cancer Council can help and offer a range of services including information, counselling, practical and emotional support.
Further information
If, at any stage, you feel we have not been able to assist you or we have not provided you with assistance that will help your current situation, please feel free to email us with any further information that we can take into consideration:
For Credit Cards, Ready Credit and Personal Loans: dms.au@citi.com
Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Relations Unit on aust.customeradvocacyunit@citi.com or 1300 308 935. Our complaints process can be found here.