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Citi Cards

Reporting scams
If you believe you have been the victim of a scam, please contact us immediately on 1300 550 216.
It’s important that you get in touch with us if:
- you’ve sent money or authorised a payment due to a suspected scam
- you’ve provided your identity information and/or account details to someone who you believe is a scammer
- you’ve found unauthorised transactions in your account statements.

Reporting a lost or stolen card
If your card has been lost or stolen contact us as soon as possible on 13 24 84 or +61 2 8225 0615 if calling from overseas.
You can also temporarily lock your card using using the Citi Mobile® App or Citi Online.

Report any scams to Scamwatch
Report any scams to Scamwatch, an independent website run by the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC).
Scamwatch provides information to consumers and small businesses on how to recognise, avoid and report scams. Anything reported to Scamwatch will be analysed and acted on by the ACCC.
Contact Details
You can find contact details for all our products and services below.
General Enquiries
Credit Cards, Spot. Buy Now, Pay Later
and Personal Loans
Call Us
General Enquiries
Credit Cards, Spot. Buy Now, Pay Later
and Personal Loans
13 24 84
From overseas? Call +61 2 8225 0615
Credit cards and Personal loans
Call 1800 722 879
Credit cards and Personal Loans
Call 1300 369 797
From overseas? Call +61 2 8604 4713
Write To Us
Online Enquiries
Click here to make an enquiry
Click here to submit a Complaint*, a
Compliment or General Feedback.
*Click here to view our Complaint Management Policy.
Postal Address
GPO Box 40, Sydney NSW 2001.
Registered Office
National Australia Bank Limited
395 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Chat With Us Online
Log in to Citi Online to chat with us.
If you are d/Deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech/communication difficulty you can contact us using the National Relay Service by:
Step 1
Contact the NRS through your preferred call channel detailed on NRS call numbers and links.
Step 2
Provide the NRS with our phone number 13 24 84
For more information visit: About the National Relay Service
Interpreter services for customers with limited English.
Learn how our interpreters can help you with information on our products and services.
We recognise that you may prefer to speak to us in a language other than English. Our interpreters speak a wide variety of languages. Contact us on 13 24 84 and we can arrange for an interpreter to help you (subject to availability).
Call 1300 555 625
8am - 6pm, Mon - Fri AEST
(Excluding Public Holidays)
Mail us
GPO Box 3319, Sydney NSW 2001.
AGA Complimentary Insurance
Call 1800 072 791
8am - 5pm, Mon - Fri AEST
(Excluding Public Holidays)
AIA Australia
Call 1800 333 613
8am - 6pm, Mon - Fri AEST
(Excluding Public Holidays)
Mail us
PO Box 6111, St Kilda Road Central,
VIC 8008.
Call 1800 016 284
8:30am - 6:30pm, Mon - Fri AEST
(Excluding Public Holidays)
Mail us
347 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2001.
Credit Cards
Cheque payments can be made at participating Australia Post retail outlets offering Bank@Post. A fee of $2.50 will apply for these transactions. Cheques will no longer be accepted via mail.
Accessibility Services
If you are d/Deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech/communication difficulty you can contact us through your preferred call channel detailed on NRS call numbers and links. Provide the NRS with our phone number 13 24 84.
For more information visit: About the National Relay Service
For customers who may have difficulty speaking English - contact us on 13 24 84 and we can arrange for an interpreter to help you (subject to availability).
Hardship Assistance
Financial Hardship
Call 1800 722 879 or email
9am - 9pm, Mon - Fri AEST,
(Excluding Public Holidays)
PO Box 3453, Sydney 2001.
You can also find out more information here.
Our Complaints Process
We are committed to making account management easier and more transparent for our customers; however we recognise that we may not always meet your expectations.
Find out more about our complaints process.
24/7 Customer Service Centre
Call 13 24 84
From overseas? +61 2 8225 0615
How We Can Help
Help and Support
Help and Support is your first point of call for all Citi Online questions.
Citi Online
Access and manage your money in a quick, convenient and secure way, from anywhere in the world.