Payments and transfers
Find out how to use your account to make payments and transfers.
Making payments and transfers
You can make payments and transfers via the Citi Mobile® App or Citi Online. See our help guides below.
Transfer money to someone in Australia
Find out how to transfer money to someone in Australia
Payments and transfers services
Service | Ideal for | Access | Limit | Timing |
Online |
Sending funds or making payments to accounts with other financial institutions domestically. |
Citi Online |
Daily funds transfer limit of $100,000. |
1 to 5 business days. |
Customer Service Centre |
Phone support for sending funds or making payments to accounts with other financial institutions domestically. |
Telephone. |
Daily funds transfer limit of $100,000. |
1 to 5 business days. |
Manual Funds Transfer Request |
Domestic payments Transfers greater than A$100,000. Non-individual accounts requiring multiple signatories to authorise transactions. |
Payments and transfer over the daily funds transfer limit are allowed.
(We may need to contact you to verify the transaction before processing the request.) |
3-7 business days from the day we process the transaction. |
Daily withdrawal limits
Card Type | Daily Withdrawal Limit1 |
Citi Lending Mastercard® |
$1,000 AUD |
1Daily Withdrawal Limit is a combined daily limit across all accounts (including loan products) linked to your card and applies to all cash withdrawals and purchases through ATMs and EFTPOS.
You may have a different Daily Withdrawal Limit if you request or have previously requested to change it.

Help and support
Explore our online help guides and learn more about our products and services.

Useful forms and links
See additional resources for our products and services that will help you set up and use your account.

Support services
We are here to help you through difficult financial or personal times.
Important information:
National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) ("NAB"), is the issuer of Citi branded credit products. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian credit licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed Citi to provide transitional services.
Our/us/we means NAB unless the context otherwise requires it.
NAB is an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution (ADI). Under the Australian Government’s Financial Claims Scheme your deposits with NAB (including under these terms and conditions) may be guaranteed up to $250,000 per account holder per ADI. Citi holds no deposits. The Scheme does not apply to your non-AUD deposits.
"Citi", "Citibank", "Citigroup", the Arc design and all similar trade marks and derivations thereof are used temporarily under licence by NAB from Citigroup Inc. and related group entities.
Any advice is general advice only. It was prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs. Before acting on this advice you should consider if it's appropriate for your particular circumstances. Details on our dispute resolution system and full details of the terms and conditions are available by calling 13 24 84 or at